Saving Energy with Ceiling Fans
By Shari Blumenthal
Do ceiling fans really save on energy costs? The answer I always give when asked this question is – it depends. They will most always save money on electricity if you use them the way they are intended. In the summer, ceiling fans make you feel more comfortable by blowing air on your body which increases the evaporation. This is how the body cools itself. Using a ceiling fan in the summer makes it possible to turn your thermostat up however; I have known several people that keep the same thermostat settings regardless if they are running their ceiling fan or not. I have found that the same people also operate their ceiling fans all hours of the day and night. It is important to realize that ceiling fans do not cool a room; only the people in a room.
In the winter, use your ceiling fans in reverse so they run in a clockwise direction. Warm air rises and gets trapped near the ceiling so when the ceiling fan direction is in reverse mode, it circulates the warm air from the ceiling to the floor helping to take the chill out of the air. The reverse mode only works if the fan is on low, a higher speed will create a wind chill effect that may be uncomfortable. Remember, ceiling fans will help to save on energy costs if they are used the way they were designed.
Contact Priority One Home Repair, your Phoenix handyman, for your ceiling fan installations.
About the Author
| Shari Blumenthal, Priority One Home Repair LLC PO Box 3291 Glendale, AZ 85311 623-505-7282
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