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Ceiling Fan Installation
Cost Report

Newton Ceiling Fan Installation Costs & Prices - ProMatcher Cost Report

Newton Ceiling Fan Installation Costs & Prices

Newton, Massachusetts.  The Newton Ceiling Fan Installation Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of ceiling fan installation in the Newton area.

Average Ceiling Fan Installation Cost in Newton

We have done a little research to find the average cost of ceiling fan installation in Newton. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:

Cost of Ceiling Fan Installation in Newton, Massachusetts

$403.16 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan) (Range: $367.59 - $438.73)
$269.43 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan) (Range: $249.01 - $289.85)
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Newton Ceiling Fan Installation Cost Data

Professionals in the Newton area have provided information about how much ceiling fan installation cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
02458, Newton, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$364.93 - $435.56 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
This is how much ceiling fan installation generally costs. These items come standard: securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. There will be an extra fee for mounting a fan to higher than normal ceilings, pulling new electrical wires to ceiling location, or installing more than one fan.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02458, Newton, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$247.21 - $287.76 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
This is how much ceiling fan installation generally costs. These items come standard: securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. There will be an extra fee for mounting a fan to higher than normal ceilings, pulling new electrical wires to ceiling location, or installing more than one fan.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02205, Boston, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$250.43 - $291.50 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
Price includes labor for ceiling fan installation. Items included: hanging a new ceiling fan (using an existing power supply) and minor bracing. Cost does not take into account running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02205, Boston, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$369.68 - $441.23 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
Price includes labor for ceiling fan installation. Items included: hanging a new ceiling fan (using an existing power supply) and minor bracing. Cost does not take into account running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02139, Cambridge, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$363.82 - $434.23 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
Price considers the cost of ceiling fan installation. Estimate includes hanging a new ceiling fan (using an existing power supply) and minor bracing. Does not include running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02453, Waltham, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$247.59 - $288.20 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
This quote is a ballpark figure for ceiling fan replacement. This should cover securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. Extra fees may apply for running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
01853, Lowell, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$242.68 - $282.48 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
Price quote accounts for the cost of ceiling fan installation. Estimate takes into account hanging a new ceiling fan (using an existing power supply) and minor bracing. It excludes running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02169, Quincy, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$368.00 - $439.23 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
This is how much one can expect to spend on ceiling fan replacement. Typically included in the price: securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. Prices may be higher for running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
01760, Natick, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$254.21 - $295.90 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
Cost includes labor. Includes securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. Does not account for putting in a new switch, mounting additional fans, installing a new power supply, or extra-high ceiling installations.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
01853, Lowell, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$358.24 - $427.57 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
Price quote accounts for the cost of ceiling fan installation. Estimate takes into account hanging a new ceiling fan (using an existing power supply) and minor bracing. It excludes running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
01760, Natick, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$375.26 - $447.89 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
Cost includes labor. Includes securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. Does not account for putting in a new switch, mounting additional fans, installing a new power supply, or extra-high ceiling installations.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02139, Cambridge, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$246.46 - $286.88 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
Price considers the cost of ceiling fan installation. Estimate includes hanging a new ceiling fan (using an existing power supply) and minor bracing. Does not include running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
01702, Framingham, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$375.26 - $447.89 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
Price of ceiling fan installation is included in the estimate. Estimate also includes installing the new fixture (when proper wiring is already in place). Does not include running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
01702, Framingham, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$254.21 - $295.90 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
Price of ceiling fan installation is included in the estimate. Estimate also includes installing the new fixture (when proper wiring is already in place). Does not include running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02453, Waltham, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$365.49 - $436.23 fixed fee (includes mid-grade ceiling fan)
This quote is a ballpark figure for ceiling fan replacement. This should cover securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. Extra fees may apply for running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
02169, Quincy, Massachusetts - October 27, 2022

Ceiling Fan Installation

$249.29 - $290.18 fixed fee (to install pre-purchased fan)
This is how much one can expect to spend on ceiling fan replacement. Typically included in the price: securing a new ceiling fan in place and connecting fixture to pre-installed wiring. Prices may be higher for running new electrical, putting in a new wall switch, installing 2+ fans, or reaching extra-high ceilings.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
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Newton Ceiling Fan Installers

MSB Services LLC
76 Tonawanda Street, Dorchester Center, MA
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Disclaimer: Costs and prices shown on the ProMatcher site are intended to be used as general information, not as guaranteed estimates. To obtain cost information relevant to your project, request a quote or estimate from a local service provider.
Ceiling Fan Installation > Costs & Prices > Massachusetts > Newton Ceiling Fan Installation Costs & Prices

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